Monday, November 12, 2018

Carbon Free Living

As someone who is quite sensitive to air pollution, the dream of living in a carbon free world always appealed to me. To this end, I have adopted a lifestyle that would border on being a metropolitan recluse. The car is used sparingly, travelling in mass transport systems or on my bicycle is the norm and living a vegan oriented lifestyle is the way to go for me.

Why do I do this ? Simply put I am a sufferer and then there is the issue of the being a responsible global citizen. Would I like to bid adieu to this world regretting that I did not try making it a better place ? Not for me. Each one of us adds to the pollution decimating our planet. The vehicles spewing non stop smoke, industries belching venom and then the ubiquitous plastic which has gone on to form garbage patches in oceans, like the Great Garbage Patch in the Pacific ocean.   

There is more to it, carbon free living is healthier than the more obvious lifestyle that we tend to follow globally. The human body was never meant to be a couch potato with a T.V. remote or mobile in the hands. Proper human digestion requires physical effort and this is particularly true for the kind of rich, fat laden food that we hog today. Air conditioning is not a necessity, let us not contribute to CFC emissions that are depleting the ozone layer.

Nothing effects us more than the type of food we eat. And the news is not good. Our insatiable greed for meat and dairy has changed the global landscape. Going vegan oriented is not a question of being morally superior but cutting back on those carbon footprints that millions of dairy and meat animal rearing farms are generating worldwide. 

Let us do the right thing and give a better world to our coming generations.

You can follow more about my lifestyle and habits at: The Rabid Cyclist

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